Scuba BSA (Boy Scout Patch)

Scuba BSA is a ‘Try Scuba” activity that introduces qualified Boy Scout, Venturing, and registered adult participants to the special skills, equipment, and safety precautions associated with scuba diving, encourages aquatics activities that promote fitness and recreation, and provides a foundation for those who later will participate in more advanced underwater activity

The Scuba BSA program is a SCUBA experience, not a certification program and thus you are not certified to dive after this program, however, if you’re a Varsity or Venturing Scout over 12 years old and choose to go on to an Open Water certification program after this, you will receive a $30 credit toward your Scuba Diver Certification course at Diver’s World. Not only that, as of 2009, BSA has introduced the new Scuba Diver MERIT badge which you may obtain by taking our Scuba Diver course.

What you will learn

The Scuba BSA experience contains two parts— Knowledge Development and Water Skills Development.

During the first part, participants learn basic dive safety information and overview skills to be used during their water experience:

  • Define SCUBA
  • The Buddy System
  • Risks associated with Diving and Safety Procedures
  • Air Spaces and Equalizing Techniques – mask, ears, lungs, and sinuses
  • Scuba Equipment Review – mask, snorkel, fins, environmental suits, weight belt, BCD, BCD inflator, regulator, alternate air source and instruments/gauges.
  • Communication – use of hand signals

The Water Skills Development session introduces essential dive skills:

  • BSA Swim Test – Jump feet first into water overhead in depth.  Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes:  side stroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting stroke.  The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn.  After completing the test, rest by floating.
  • Don and adjust mask, fins, snorkel, BCD, scuba, and weights with the assistance of a buddy, instructor, or certified assistant.
  •  Inflate/deflate a BCD at the surface using the low pressure inflator.
  •  Communication – use of hand signals
  • In shallow water, demonstrate proper compressed air breathing habits; remembering to breathe naturally and not hold the breath.
  • Clear the regulator while underwater using both exhalation and purge-button methods and resume normal breathing from it.
  • In shallow water, recover a regulator hose from behind the shoulder while underwater.
  • In shallow water, clear a partially flooded mask while underwater.
  • Swim underwater with scuba equipment while maintaining control of both direction and depth, properly equalizing the ears and mask to accommodate depth changes.
  • While underwater, locate and read submersible pressure gauge and signal whether the air supply is adequate or low based on the gauge’s caution zone.
  • In shallow water, breathe underwater for at least 30 seconds from an alternate air source supplied by the instructor.
  • Demonstrate the techniques for a proper ascent.

In order to participate in the Scuba BSA course at Diver’s World students must be a registered Boy Scout or Venture Scout 10 1/2 years or older. Students will be required to complete a BSA swimmer test at the start of the pool session.

All participants must complete and submit a short medical questionnaire at least two days prior to the start of the class (although not common, please note that depending on the results of your medical questionnaire, some students may be required to obtain a physicians release).

Scuba BSA will be scheduled as requested by interested Scout troops with a minimum class size of eight (8) participants (Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts and/or adults). Interested troops are requested to recruit at least eight participants and contact Diver’s World so that we can make the pool arrangements to best suit your troop’s needs. Diver’s World attempts to schedule out at least two months in advance for courses. Please notify us of your interest as soon as possible so that we can accommodate your budding divers.

Click here to review our Medical History Questionnaire. Your safety is the most important thing to us: You may be asked to review your health with your family doctor just to be sure.

Your class fee of $65 per participant will cover the costs of class, pool time, Scuba BSA patch, educational materials, your Instructors and Dive Master as well as use of the equipment (mask, fins, snorkels, tanks, buoyancy compensation device (BCD), and regulators).

A deposit of $100 will hold the agreed upon scheduled date and payment is due in-full one week prior to the schedule date.

Scuba BSA participants will receive a 10% off coupon that may be used by the Scuba BSA student for mask, fins, snorkels, dive boots, and dive glove equipment purchases at Diver’s World. While not required for Scuba BSA, many students prefer to bring their own personal equipment.

Student Provides

Students only need to provide a bathing suit and towel. An environmental suit (wetsuit) is recommended although not required


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  • Earn the full BSA scuba merit badge.
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