Nitrox Diver

Do you want to extend your bottom time, lessen your surface interval, and maximize every dive? Become a SDI Computer Nitrox diver!

Do you want to extend your bottom time, lessen your surface interval, and maximize every dive? Become a SDI Computer Nitrox diver! This course may be taught as a stand alone program or may be combined with other SDI training programs such as SDI Scuba Diver or Advanced Adventure Diver.

During this course, you will learn how to choose the proper blend of Nitrox for your dive profile, determine maximum depth limits for your Nitrox mixture, analyze your breathing mixture, and plan and safely execute each dive. Your instructor will teach you about the physiology of oxygen and nitrogen; advantages, disadvantages, and risks of nitrox; oxygen toxicity; hazards and precautions of handling oxygen; the concept of Equivalent Air Depth; use of EANx with standard Air Dive Tables; common gas mixing procedures; and more.

After your classroom session and completion of SDI’s eLearning course you will receive your Nitrox Diver certification card. Your SDI instructor can integrate your Nitrox course into your Scuba Diver course!

As long as you are 12 years or older and are in good physical condition, you can enroll in a Diver’s World SDI Computer Nitrox Diver course. SDI Computer Nitrox may be combined with any other SDI course and you can get double credit for your dives!

Click here to review our Medical History Questionnaire. Your safety is the most important thing to us: You may be asked to review your health with your family doctor just to be sure.

Nitrox Diver is a 4-hour course of class room instruction right here at Diver’s World with an eLearning component. You will then demonstrate your new skills by executing a series of dives (see training dives tab). As always, you can count on the staff of Diver’s World to make your learning experience interesting and fun!

Your class fee will cover the costs of class, SDI training materials, two Nitrox fills for your open water dives, your Instructors and Dive Master.

Student Provides

Please bring your dive computer with you to class. We will be demonstrating how to set your nitrox settings on your computer during class. If you do not have one, you may use one of our rentals for class.

Students will need to provide all of their own equipment for training dives. Diver’s World has rental tanks, regs, BCDs and wetsuits if you do not own these items.

If you have your own scuba tanks you can have them converted to Nitrox cylinders right here at Diver’s World. Call us for details.

You will need to complete two dives on Nitrox. Your Nitrox dives may be “piggybacked” on other training dives (Advanced, Master, etc.). This is the only class where you can get two training dives counted with one dive so you may want to consider doubling up classes. These dives may be scheduled through Diver’s World. Check our calendar for the latest!

You will need to provide your own transportation, rental equipment, environmental suit and accommodations. Rental equipment is available through Diver’s World. Many of our local dives are within a couple of hours drive (or right here in our own Lake Erie or Presque Isle Bay) and classmates frequently arrange for travel together.

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